The Cupcake

Recently my sister returned from a wedding reception and gave me a pretty little wedding cake favour box that guests had received. I opened it in anticipation and to my utter disappointment found an ordinary plain cupcake sitting flat inside.

Now, I’m told that cupcakes have become quite the trend at our weddings. I’m really not in a position to attend too many of these crowded events these days, so I’m a little out of touch with trending flavours and have to go by the information I get from others.

There’s nothing wrong with cupcakes. In fact, it has become very popular elsewhere too. And what’s not to love about these mini cakes that come with the plus point of being easy to serve? But, really, a doughy no-frills wedding cupcake? This particular one I mention was as plain as plain can be with not even a hint of topping or colour to mask its ordinariness. For something like that I could have just walked into one of the many bakeries after leaving the reception and bought myself a dozen.  

Isn't a wedding supposed to be a special and memorable affair? It shouldn't be an event where things are done just because it’s supposed to be done. For example, choosing music that means something to you, not just what you’re supposed to play at a wedding or a ceremony that has something of you and is not just a ritual that is repeated again and again. Or flowers and decorations that speak a little of your personality……… get my drift, right?

Therein lies my gripe with the said cupcake. What’s the point in giving guests at your wedding an ordinary, plain cupcake that they probably have often with their afternoon tea? That’s just doing something simply because everyone else is doing it and not because it means something.

But that is really what is wrong with our world today, isn't it? We are always so busy, so worried about keeping up with the Joneses (or is it the Kardashians?) that we don’t know how to live anymore, to be happy being what we are and be happy with what we have. Today it’s all about having what other people have or, better still, topping that. We live in fear that we would be thought of as less if we don’t do as others are doing.

Get off this bus of never ending competition and get a life, people. Stop comparing yourself to others. Believe me, this is a very good thing. As long as you keep comparing yourself to others who you think have it all you’ll always find yourself wanting, which means you’ll never be happy or feel fulfilled – one of the best things I've learned along the way.

This does not mean that you stop trying to improve yourself or to better your lot. It just means that you do it for you and because it is good and right for you, not because you want to compete with or impress others or because everyone else is doing it.

And, you know what, I believe that once this change in outlook takes place our weddings too will once again become charming and memorable affairs rather than the one-up gaudy and ostentatious events it has turned into these days.
